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Staff Directory

Los Angeles office - 818.504.9090

New York office - 718.433.9636

Georgia office - 470.237.4490

Los Angeles

Frank Uchalik Sr. - CEO / President

Randy Yamamoto - Vice President randy@alphaprops.com

Craig Johnston - Vice President Special Projects & Sales Representative craig@alphaprops.com

Alex Hernandez - Director of Marketing / Promotions & Sales Representative alex@alphaprops.com

Lynnell Uchalik - Director of Operations Manager & Sales Representative lynn@alphaprops.com

Oscar Alas - Sales Representative oscar@alphaprops.com

Accounting Department accounting@alphaprops.com

Patty MacEachern - Accounting patty@alphaprops.com

Cody LaFontaine - Warehouse cody@alphaprops.com

Rob Robinson - Inventory & Web rob@alphaprops.com

New York

Nick Treppiedi - Sales Representative nick@alphaprops.com


Robert Vanasco - Sales Representative robert@alphaprops.com